
Boston Criminal Defense Lawyer Blog


The Right to Confront and Cross-Examine Witness Testimony in Massachusetts: Motor Vehicle Offenses after Commonwealth v. Parenteau

If you have been charged with a motor vehicle offense or crime in Massachusetts such as driving a motor vehicle after your driver’s license right to drive in Massachusetts had been suspended or revoked, the Commonwealth must prove certain facts beyond a reasonable doubt in order to convict you. You…


Petition to Seal or Expunge Criminal Records In Massachusetts: CORI reform under G.L. c. 276 s. 100A, s. 100B, and s. 100C.

On July 31, 2010, the Massachusetts legislature adopted CORI reform. CORI means Criminal Offender Record Information. It is a person’s criminal history. In this article we will explore CORI reform in Massachusetts and cover the types of entries on a criminal record that are eligible to be sealed. Sealing a…


Harassment Prevention Orders and Restraining Orders in Massachusetts: The Differences between G.L. c. 258E and G.L. c. 209A

It has been a year since Massachusetts introduced the new Harassment Order law (G.L. c. 258E) last May which allows a plaintiff to seek a “Harassment Prevention Order” in court against a defendant for “Harassment”. Since the enactment of the Harassment Law in Massachusetts there has been an explosion of…

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